
ARI Driver App

ARI Driver Insights App


The ARI Driver Insights app is a GPS tracking and fleet management system used by companies worldwide. It provides fleet drivers with access to travel details, history and reports, fuel usage, and telematics, all from one platform. The app's previous design had become outdated, leading to low task completion rates and adoption rates.


The objective of the redesign project was to increase the task completion rate, improve adoption, and update the app's look and feel.

My role

Research, UX/UI design, testing




The redesign project began with stakeholder interviews, collaborative sketching sessions, customer service interviews, and analytics to identify pain points, user needs, and design opportunities. I then leveraged the research to develop a design that addressed the user's needs.




To ensure the new design met the user's requirements, I conducted moderated in-person group tasks with follow-up surveys, usability testing, and preference tests. These tests allowed me to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune the design to better meet user needs.




The redesign project successfully improved the ARI Driver Insights app's user experience, resulting in a 44% increase in adoption rates. The updated design provided a modern, intuitive interface that made it easier for users to access the information they needed, leading to greater task completion rates and overall engagement.

The app's new design addressed the pain points identified during the research phase, including improving the app's speed, simplifying its navigation, and streamlining the overall user experience. By leveraging user research and testing, the project team created a design that met the needs of its users, driving greater adoption and engagement with the app.